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Cost: $39.00
Prepare for the PSI real estate exam with our online exam prep course. This course provides a review of the material you need to study to pass the national portion of the real estate exam. In addition, this course provides a sample exam that was written to match PSI's exam specifications for the national exam. After you take the sample exam, you will receive an overall score and receive a score in each of the categories. Because you will know your score in each of the categories, you will know which areas to target during your studying time.
John R. Morgan of Morgan Testing Services and On-the-Test Publishing is the primary author and copyright holder of the written material within our exam prep course. Morgan's material has been adapted into our exam prep course under a license agreement.
A professional educator and writer since receiving his Master of Arts in Teaching English from Brown University in 1981, John R. Morgan knows what's on your real estate examination. Combining both his experience in selling real estate and passion for education and testing, Morgan spent over three and one-half years at Assessment Systems, Inc. (ASI—now Pearson VUE) in its Real Estate Test Development program where he was in charge of developing, maintaining, and enhancing the question pools and licensing exams for ASI's then-20+ real estate client jurisdictions.
Morgan has conducted pre-licensing curriculum development seminars for the South Carolina Real Estate Commission and provided test development services for numerous Real Estate Commissions as well as a comprehensive update of real estate licensing exams and an exam-based Study Guide for the Government of Bermuda. In addition, he has reviewed and/or revised thousands of test questions in many of Dearborn Publishing's Real Estate publications, has developed numerous "school-secure" examinations for pre-licensing use by several Realtors' Associations, and has written numerous real estate exam-prep books in use nationally.